Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Catching Up - Once Again

It seems another month has gone by and I'm once again playing catch up with my blog.  I'll just give myself some grace and move forward from here.  The summer was intentionally low-key in an effort to soak up as much family time as possible and recharge a bit.  Now we have moved right into Back To School and the fall schedule is just about full with sessions, so it's a good thing I'm recharged!

Here are some highlights from the last month - I warn you there are a LOT of images!  Scroll, scroll, scroll.   :-)

Finished up Jake's senior session at his high school.

Here are a few from earlier in the summer when we met up at a local park.  You would never guess how hot it was by looking at these!  Not one complaint from him.

My beautiful niece was in town for a few days....again, it was SO hot out, but she hardly complained at all (maybe just a tiny bit).  Smoothie King did the trick when we finished up.  Thanks for being such a great sport Kristen!

I've always wished I could dance like this....

Then I met little Sophia for her 4 year birthday shoot.  It's been such an honor photographing her milestones over the years!  Look at this amazing location - the Sandy Creek Covered Bridge in Hillsboro, MO.  It was worth the drive!

Four is so fun - and so energetic!  I just love her personality and cute little face.

And then it was time for gorgeous little Macie's 3 year shoot - just look at her sweet face....how do her parents ever say No to that?  They are in big trouble, I tell you!

Get your dance on!

Last, but certainly not least, my handsome little grandson turned 8 months old.  He is such serious little guy, just like his Daddy, sitting back and taking everything in, then MAYBE cracking a little smile if you're lucky.  Oy!  We were practically standing on our heads, but yet, still Mr. Serious-Face.

That little foot.  I may have a slight obsession with tiny little feet.  :-)

Growling at his little bear....

But wait, there's a SMILE - woo hoo!

Thank you for stopping by today.  Next up a fun, personal post.


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